Router Cut – 3D

Router Cut – 3D lettering options

Product information:

Select from our range of acrylics, coloured and clear, celuka, PVC and more. All are available in varying depths – we’re sure to find a product to meet your needs!

Bevel cut is available for high quality framing and seamless PVC joins. Some artwork adjustment may be needed for detailed cutting on thick substrates.

Have an idea but not sure how to bring it to life? Our team can help you select the right product for your router cut – 3D job, we’re happy to help!


Singular pieces up to 3000mm W x 1500mm H. For larger items we offer a paneling service and provide templates to make installation a breeze.

Acrylic:  1, 2, 3, 4.5, 6, 10 & 20mm deep. Varying colours.

Celuka: 10mm and 20mm deep. White only. Apply with self adhesive or prepare for 2 pack painting.

Dibond: 3mm deep in varying colours and finishes including brushed metals.

PVC: 2, 3, & 5mm deep in black or white.


Use to create a 3D effect on shopfronts, foyers and business entrances.

All substrates are available in varying colours or finishes and can also be applied with printed self adhesive in a range of laminate options. Consider using a matte finish for indoor lettering, this reduces glare from artificial lighting.

Use gloss outdoors for durability.


Check out our handy 10 step guide for tips on setting up artwork files for cutting and router cut. Fell free to get in touch for custom orders!

We’re here to help.

Looking to create a smaller, more delicate design? Try our laser cut option which is suited to widths thinner than 10mm.


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